We are managing in unprecedented times, through an economic downturn, a reduction in public spending, high levels of inflation and a growing pressure to achieve continued efficiency against a backdrop of increased demand and regulation. 


Every Customer Matters

Every Penny Counts

Can TSHC really reduce your costs, 
and improve your service?
Yes we can!

TSHC consultants have a track record of increasing income and reducing expenditure, whilst improving the service to affordable housing customers. Delivering value is what drives us. 

We can provide services at both operational and strategic levels either through project management, interim management or bespoke consultancy support. Our fees are calculated on a fixed inclusive day rate basis and payment schedules are agreed in advance of work commencing to provide you with price certainty. 

If you would like to discuss how we can help and support you please contact us. The sooner you call TSHC, the sooner we can help you to reduce your costs and improve your service.